Archive for the ‘Python’ Category

Recursive Category Table in Python

Saturday, June 13th, 2009

While working with a project, the problem with the recursive category table being built came up. The table holds the parent_id of the category name and the result is a list with the id and the name of the category. The category name is prepended with spaces equivalent to the level of indentation.


class AchievementCategory(DeclarativeBase):
	__tablename__ = 'achievement_categories'

	id = Column(mysql.MSBigInteger(20, unsigned = True), primary_key = True)
	parent_id = Column(mysql.MSBigInteger(20, unsigned = True), default = 0)
	name = Column(Unicode(80))


def get_cats(n = 0, c_list = [], level = 0):
	sql = DBSession.query(AchievementCategory).filter_by(parent_id = n).order_by(
	for e in sql:
		c_list.append([, level * " " +, level])
		get_cats(, c_list, level+1)
	return c_list

print get_cats()

TurboGears, Tableform and a callable option to a Widget

Wednesday, June 10th, 2009

While doing some TurboGears development I ran into an issue where I needed to generate a select field’s options from the database that was dependent on authentication. Since defining the query in the model results in a cached result when the class is instantiated, the query couldn’t be defined there. There are multiple mentions of using a callable to deal with this situation, but, no code example.

From this posting in Google Groups for TurboGears, we were able to figure out the code that made this work.


<div xmlns=""




    def form(self):
        c.form = TestForm()
        c.availips = [[3,3],[2,2]]
        return dict(template='form',title='Test Form',value=None)


from pylons import c

def get_ips():
    return c.availips

class TestForm(TableForm):
    action = '/test/testadd'
    submit_text = 'Add test'

    class fields(WidgetsList):
        User = TextField(label_text='FTP Username', size=40, validator=NotEmpty())
        Password = PasswordField(label_text='FTP Password', size=40, validator=NotEmpty())
        ip = SingleSelectField(label_text="Assign to IP",options=get_ips)

Combined Web Site Logging splitter for AWStats

Friday, May 29th, 2009

AWStats has an interesting problem when working with combined logging. When you have 500 domains and combined logfiles at roughly 2 gigabytes a day, awstats spends a lot of time shuffling through all of the log files to return the results. The simple solution appeared to be a small python script that read the awstats config directory and split the logfile into pieces so that awstats could run on individual logfiles. It requires one loop through the combined logfile to create all of the logfiles, rather than looping through the 2 gigabyte logfile for each domain when awstats was set up with combined logging.


import os,re
from string import split

dirs = os.listdir('/etc/awstats')

domainlist = {}

for dir in dirs:
  if ('\.conf$',dir)):
    dom = re.sub('^awstats\.', '', dir)
    dom = re.sub('\.conf$', '', dom)
    domainlist[dom] = 1
loglist = open('/var/log/apache2/combined-access.log.1','r')
for line in loglist:
  (domain,logline) = line.split(None, 1)
  if (domain in domainlist):
    if (domainlist[domain] == 1):
      domainlist[domain] = open('/var/log/apache2/' + domain + '-access.log.1', 'w')

While the code isn’t particularly earthshattering, it cut down log processing to roughly 20 minutes per day rather than the previous 16-30 hours per day.

Python, Perl and PHP interoperability with pack and unpack

Monday, April 27th, 2009

Perl has very powerful capabilities for dealing with structures.  PHP’s support of those structures was based on Perl’s wisdom.  Python went a different direction.

Perl pack/unpack definitions

PING_FORMAT => ‘(a4n2N2N/a*)@245’;
TASK_FORMAT => ‘a4NIN/a*a*’;
RETR_FORMAT => ‘a4N/a*N’;

PHP pack/unpack definitions

define(‘TASK_FORMAT’, ‘a4NINa*a*’);

For a communications package written in perl that communicates with 32 bit and 64 bit machines that may not share the same endian structure.  The problem I’ve run into now is that Python does not support the Perl method, and, I don’t know why they didn’t at least offer some compatibility.  pack and unpack give enormous power to communication systems between machines and their support of the perl methods allowed for reasonable interoperability between the two platforms.

Python on the other hand opted to not support some of the features, which was one issue, but, their requirement is that you cannot send variable length packets.

In Python, we’re able to replicate N, network endian Long by using !L:

>>> import struct
>>> print struct.unpack(‘!L’,’\0\0\1\0′);

However, there is no method to support a variable length payload behind that value.  We’re able to set a fixed length like 5s, but, this means that we’ve got to know the length of the payload being sent.

>>> print struct.unpack(‘!L5s’,’\0\0\1\0abcde’);
(256, ‘abcde’)

If we overstate the size of the field, Python is more than happy to tell us that the payload length doesn’t match the length of the data.

>>> print struct.unpack(‘!L8s’,’\0\0\1\0abcde’);
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “<stdin>”, line 1, in <module>
File “/usr/lib/python2.5/”, line 87, in unpack
return o.unpack(s)
struct.error: unpack requires a string argument of length 12

The cheeseshop/pypi seems to show no suitable alternative which brings up a quandry.  For this particular solution, I’ll write a wrapper function to do the heavy lifting on the two unpack strings I need to deal with and then I’ll debate pulling the perl unpack/pack routines out of the perl source and wrapping it into an .egg, possibly for distribution.

Legacy Code Fix versus Code Rewrite

Saturday, February 28th, 2009

Python Frameworks use the DRY Method — Don’t Repeat Yourself.  That is a powerful mantra to follow when developing applications.

I am faced with a quandry.  I have an application that consists of roughly 40000 lines.  That code was written in php many years ago, with a handbuilt web framework implemented with smarty.  There are a number of issues with the existing code, including inline functions duplicated through multiple files, poorly validated input and bad structure.  Outsourcing some code development appeared to be cost effective.  In the end, the code quality churned out by that vendor was sub-par.  Maintenance of that codebase easily costs twice as much as it should.

This week, a few requirements cropped up which brought up an interesting question.  Knowing that the code consists of 40000 lines of poorly written, difficult to maintain code, I debated whether fixing the existing code would be quicker than rewriting the relevent portion and coding the addendum.  TurboGears, a python webapp framework would shrink the code considerably since it is thin middleware on top of a wsgi compliant server.

Where it took 45 lines of code to do a halfway decent job of validating a few input fields in php with smarty, the equivalent code in TurboGears consists of a model definition containing the validator segment and a few lines of code to define the page.  Updating the database becomes one line of code, replacing 8-12 lines of code.

I had planned to convert the application over to TurboGears eventually, but, the scope of this current project gives me an opportunity to convert a piece of the application over while adding the new features, and leaving the legacy code running as is.

The features I need to add will take roughly 150 lines of Python/TurboGears code, or perhaps 1500-2000 lines of php to achieve the same functionality.  I have debated using another PHP framework as a stopgap, but, I have yet to find a decent form library for it that works well.

If I had to pick a favorite, ad_form from openacs would top the list.  TurboGears and Genshi with formencode come in as a close second.

I believe rewriting the portions of the app I need to write will probably take roughly the same amount of time as it would take to patch the existing code.  The investment in time will put me closer to finishing the complete rewrite of the existing system.

An added advantage is that I can fix architectural issues with the existing package that couldn’t easily be reworked without considerable effort.  If the code you are maintaining is over five years old, you owe it to yourself to check out some of the other frameworks out there.  Prior to settling on TurboGears, I looked at Django, Catalyst, Mason and a number of other frameworks.  I even searched the PHP frameworks but didn’t find anything with the strengths I saw with TurboGears.

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