Posts Tagged ‘Varnish’

Varnish and Node.js

Thursday, July 18th, 2013

While working with a client installation they wanted to run Varnish in front of their node.js powered site to eliminate having node serve the static assets. uses HTTP/1.0 and cannot be cached. Minimally these few lines can be added to their respective functions and things will work. Obviously you’ll want to set expires on your static assets, strip cookies where possible, etc.

sub vcl_recv {
    if (req.url ~ "") {
      return (pipe);

sub vcl_pipe {
    if (req.http.upgrade) {
        set bereq.http.upgrade = req.http.upgrade;
    return (pipe);

Tested with: Varnish 3.0.4, Node.js v0.10.13

AngularJS – a first step

Wednesday, September 19th, 2012

If you’ve not heard of AngularJS, I’m not surprised. It moves MVC or MV* to the browser and provides a unique, lightweight, powerful way to write apps that execute on the client side. Forms, validation, controllers, routes are all handled fairly easily.

The one thing I look for in every framework I use is a decent form library. No form library, and my interest wanes quickly. I don’t know how frameworks can claim to speed up development if you have to hand code forms, do your own validation and handle the form submission. It isn’t like you don’t expect people to input data.

The first thing with AngularJS that I ran into is the markup. While most frameworks have a template language that is executed before presentation, AngularJS’s markup is written directly in the HTML. The one thing that seems missing is the ability to do conditionals in templates. That was a design choice and a decent one to stand firm on, but, working around that to make a dynamic menu was a little complicated.

Passing things to your $scope allow you to communicate from your controller to the page. When using a controller, your urls look like, but, if you view source, the page looks rather barren. I know Google’s searchbots can crawl the site as it did about eight minutes after I created the site.

There are a number of demos and videos and watching them gives you a fairly complete overview of AngularJS.

Development was quick. I spent a total of three days writing a quick app to familiarize myself with it and overall, the documentation is excellent, the examples are pretty good and cover a wide variety of use cases. There is a learning curve, but, the documentation is written very well, explaining the why in addition to having functional documentation.

To handle synchronous events with JavaScript’s async behavior, $q, a promise handler which works with a service was written. In your controller, you ask for a promise, hand it off to your service which resolves the promise, and your controller continues at that point, modifying the DOM on your page allowing for a very dynamic site.

Form handling is superb. Validation of fields can be handled quickly and you can even specify regexes in the HTML for extremely tight validation. Once you’ve received the data, your controller can act on that data.

Controllers and routes initially caught me off guard. When I first looked at them, I missed the ng-app specification and had to remove my controller declaration on my div from a prior iteration. Once I did that, and understood how partials worked, my app became a multipage app.

I didn’t do much DOM manipulation, but, AngularJS has quite a few powerful methods that make it quite easy. Selecting and modifying DOM elements is quick, and, with a service/controller setup, you can simply send changes through to the scope and they’ll be reflected.

Overall, my first experience with AngularJS is a positive one.

The first app I wrote was StravaPerf which utilizes the Strava API and d3.js to display graphs showing rider improvement. While Strava’s API is quite robust, I’ve run into API limits in the past, so, I use Varnish to work around the fact that JSONP isn’t supported, and, to cache the JSON responses coming back from Strava. This eliminates the need to have any backend or persistent storage. As a result, the app runs almost entirely from Varnish and only hits the backend on a cold start.

AngularJS is quite powerful and easy to use. I can see a number of potential projects that could easily be handled with it that would be extremely dynamic and interactive. This would push the edge of the web and allow app-like behavior in the browser.

REMOTE_ADDR handling with Varnish and Load Balancers

Sunday, March 18th, 2012

While working with the ever present spam issue on this blog, I’ve started to have issues with many of the plugins not using the correct IP address lookup. While each plugin author can be contacted, trackbacks and comments through WordPress still have the Varnish server’s IP address.

In our vcl, in vcl_recv, we put the following:

       if (req.http.x-forwarded-for) {
           set req.http.X-Forwarded-For =
               req.http.X-Forwarded-For + ", " + client.ip;
       } else {
           set req.http.X-Forwarded-For = client.ip;

and in our wp-config.php we put:

$temp_ip = explode(',', isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])
  (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']) ?
$remote_addr = trim($temp_ip[0]);
$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = preg_replace('/[^0-9.:]/', '', $remote_addr );

While we only need to check HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR in our case, this does handle things if you are behind one of a number of other proxy servers and corrects $_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR’]. The ticket that was opened and later closed which would have made it very easy to overload a get_ip function says it should be fixed in the server.

in /wp-includes/comment.php:

 * We use REMOTE_ADDR here directly. If you are behind a proxy, you should ensure
 * that it is properly set, such as in wp-config.php, for your environment.
 * See {@link}

You can also use mod_rpaf if you’re using Apache which will fix this through an Apache module.

First beta of my new webapp,

Saturday, January 28th, 2012

After a late night working until 2:45am on the finishing touches, my phone alerted me to the fact it was 5:35am and time for the first Live Photostream to take place.

The stream? Roger Waters – The Wall, from the Burswood Dome in Perth, AUSTRALIA. Special thanks to Paul Andrews for taking the pictures and doing a lot of testing beforehand.

From those that watched the stream in realtime – about 23 people based on the counter that I didn’t reset from my testing – I did receive a bit of good feedback and collected a lot of data to analyze.

Rule #1, do NOT keep modifying things during a live event. I saw a minor tweak, made a change, and broke some functionality. While it didn’t affect things, it did bug me to see the problem during the first test. Live with things until after the event – unless it is truly a showstopper. In this case, it was just an html tweak which caused some javascript to wrap and broke the JQuery click handler.

Rule #2, you can never collect enough data. While watching the stream, I realized I had turned off almost all of the debugging hints in node.js during development as it was really noisy. While most of the static assets are served with Varnish, those requests aren’t hitting the backend, so, I didn’t have a good indicator of real traffic. Running varnishncsa in one window while watching node.js with a bit of debugging turned on allowed me to see things, but, not logging pageviews, socket connects/disconnects and other data eliminates the ability to review things after the fact. I did think about putting some hooks into some of the express events (express being the framework I’m using).

Rule #3, always test your production environment well before the event/launch. As I had a very compressed development timetable knowing on Jan 13 that we wanted to do the first event on Jan 28, some infrastructure decisions I had made were not tested thoroughly beforehand resulting in having to run with a less than optimal setup. While Varnish and do work well together, some browser combinations had issues when doing brief usability tests. Fifteen days to write a scaleable architecture and an Android app is difficult. While I had no experience with node.js or prior to Nov 11, and haven’t touched Java since 2002 or so, I did spend a bit of time dealing with issues that came from lack of exposure to both.

As it isn’t recommended for node.js to handle static content, I used Varnish in a ‘cdn’ setup to offload static assets and media content. This worked very well except when I made a modification to some javascript and due to some of the rules in my VCL, I strip querystring arguments – making it impossible to just add ?v=2 to my javascript include. Bans for the CDN were only allowed from another host (remember that ‘test your complete production environment’ before launch?), so, a little manual telnetting from another machine allowed me to purge the javascript.

All in all, a great first test, several positive comments, and a nice, long list of requests/enhancements. I can see that this might be a fairly popular project.

If you would like to help beta test and have an Android phone, Download the app, take a few snapshots or enter texts and watch them show up on the Beta Test page.

If you have an event or are attending a concert where you would like to use SnapRelay, I can create a custom app specifically for your event. Let me know in the comments.

Finally, a formal release for my WordPress + Varnish + ESI plugin

Tuesday, January 10th, 2012

A while back I wrote a plugin to take care of a particular client traffic problem. As the traffic came in very quickly and unexpectedly, I had only minutes to come up with a solution. As I knew Varnish pretty well, my initial reaction was to put the site behind Varnish. But, there’s a problem with Varnish and WordPress.

WordPress is a cookie monster. It uses and depends on cookies for almost everything – and Varnish doesn’t cache assets that contain cookies. VCL was modified and tweaked, but, the site was still having problems.

So, a plugin was born. Since I was familiar with ESI, I opted to write a quick plugin to cache the sidebar and the content would be handled by Varnish. On each request, Varnish would assemble the Edge Side Include and serve the page – saving the server from a meltdown.

The plugin was never really production ready, though, I have used it for a year or so when particular client needs came up. When Varnish released 3.0, ESI could work with GZipped/Deflated content which significantly increased the utility of the plugin.

If you would like to read a detailed explanation of how the plugin works and why, here’s the original presentation I gave in Florida.

You can find the plugin on WordPress’s plugin hosting at

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