Posts Tagged ‘facebook’

Facebook’s Javascript SDK and a short one page application

Thursday, September 16th, 2010

While discussing a project with a client it occurred to me that perhaps you don’t need to get too complex to do something simple. Since using Facebook almost mandates that your surfer has Javascript enabled, we should be able to write a very simple application that posts to someone’s wall after asking for the ‘publish’ permission. After reading the documentation and looking through a few github repositories, the solution was quite simple.

While this code doesn’t use the non-blocking async javascript method, it is a good example. I’ve seen others that use the inline publish, but, for some reason I couldn’t get it to consistently open a dialog box rather than a popup – which Chrome conveniently blocked. I also ran into an issue that Facebook appears to aggressively cache objects that don’t explicitly set an expire time. While I find that acceptable for the application’s long term goals, it did make debugging a slightly frustrating experience.

To try the application, A direct link to the code is available at

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="" xmlns:fb="">
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
        <title>One Page App</title>
<div id="fb-root"></div>
Thanks for clicking.  This is just a test to make sure that the application
works as expected.
You can skip posting to the wall if you would like.
<script src=""></script>
appid = '154516391233318';
name = 'One Page App';
caption = 'A single page application designed to test whether it could be done';
description = 'A quick page that allows you to post to someone\'s wall';
href = '';
user_message_prompt = 'Post a sample to your wall';
message = 'Let\'s do a sample post to the wall.';
action_text = 'Get the code';
action_href = '';

FB.init({appId  : appid, status : true, cookie : true, xfbml  : false });
FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) {
  if (response.session) {
        method: 'stream.publish',
        display: 'dialog',
        message: message,
        attachment: {
          name: name,
          caption: caption,
          description: description,
          href: href
        action_links: [
          { text: action_text, href: action_href }
        user_message_prompt: user_message_prompt
      function(response) {
  } else {

Pylons and Facebook Application Layout

Sunday, May 30th, 2010

While I spent quite a bit of time deciphering the Graph API documentation and the OAuth guides that Facebook puts forth and submitted three documentation fixes for examples that call non-existent parameters and consequently don’t work, I came to the realization that my original layout really only works if you use a single Pylons instance per Facebook application. Since we’re focused on Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) Principles, some thought needs to go into things.

First, our platform needs to be designed. For this set of projects we’re going to use Nginx with uwsgi. Since we’re serving static content, we’re going to set up our directories on Nginx to allow that content to be served outside our Pylons virtual environment. Tony Landis was one of the first to provide an implementation guide for uwsgi with Nginx for Pylons which provided some of the information needed to get things working.

Our theoretical layout looks like the following:

  |--- /static
  |--- /fb
  |--- /fbappone
  |--- /fbapptwo

Later we’ll add a CDN that does origin pulls from /webroot/static. This application would have worked wonderfully with Varnish and ESI if the ESI could be compressed, but, setting up Nginx -> Varnish -> Nginx -> uwsgi seemed somewhat inefficient just to add compression. The Facebook application we’ve developed is an IFrame canvas which took roughly fifteen hours to debug after the original concept was decided. The majority of that time was spent dealing with the IFrame canvas issues. FBML was much easier to get working properly.

What we end up with is a url structure like:
     /static/ (xd_receiver.html, jquery support modules, CSS files)
     /fb/ (Generic facebook files, support, tos, help)

As a result of this structure, we don’t need to manipulate config/ as the default’s set by Pylons map things the way we want. In the /static/ directory, we can put our CSS, js and static media files. Remember to minify the CSS and js files and combine them if possible.

Our nginx config looks like:

server {
    access_log /var/log/nginx/;

    location ~* (css|js|png|jpe?g|gif|ico|swf|flv)$ {
        expires max;

    gzip on;
    gzip_min_length 500;
    gzip_types text/plain application/xml text/html text/javascript;
    gzip_disable "MSIE [1-6]\.";

    location ^~ /static/ {
    	alias   /var/www/;
    location ^~ /fb/ {
    	alias   /var/www/;
    location / {
        uwsgi_pass  unix:/tmp/uwsgi.sock;
        include     uwsgi_params;

We could modify the nginx config to pull / from the static page, but, we’re actually capturing that with a root controller that knows what applications reside below it as a directory of sorts.

We used Debian which doesn’t support uwsgi yet. A brief set of instructions follows which should work on any Debian based distribution as well:

apt-get install libxml2-dev dpkg-dev debhelper
cd /usr/src
apt-get source nginx
tar xzf uwsgi-
cd nginx
vi debian/rules
  add:  --add-module=/usr/src/uwsgi- \
dpkg -i ../nginx_0.7.65-5_i386.deb
mkdir /usr/local/nginx/
cp /usr/src/uwsgi- /etc/nginx

/etc/nginx/uwsgi_params, add:

uwsgi_param  SCRIPT_NAME        /;

Note: I had problems with and paster enabled wsgi applications which caused issues with Pylons.

Our uwsgi command line for development:

/usr/src/uwsgi- -s /tmp/uwsgi.sock -C -iH /var/www/facebook/ --paste config:/var/www/facebook/fpapp/development.ini

One of the things that made Facebook integration difficult was somewhat incomplete documentation or even incorrect documentation on Facebook’s site. While the Graph API is new, it is quite a bit more powerful. While they do have official support, I think I’ll use velruse for OAuth integration next time and use the Python-SDK for the Graph API integration. See my previous post on using Pylons for a Facebook Application for a little more detailed information on how to get the application working.

Using Pylons for a Facebook Application

Thursday, May 27th, 2010

Cue Inspiration

I had an idea the other day for a simple Facebook application. With Pylons, I figured it would take no more than an hour or two to get the mechanics of the application working at which point a designer could come in to handle the rest. What followed was quite a struggle.

I’ve written Facebook applications using the old PHP SDK. While this method is rather well documented, moving to Python should have been easy. PyFacebook, a project hosted at GitHub, is woefully out of date. Even after applying three of the suggested patches, and modifying one of the imports in the library, I was left with numerous issues regarding the access_token, odd redirects and a few other minor issues. Add to this the fact that Facebook really suggests that applications use the Graph API and IFrames rather than the FBML canvas and we’re setting ourselves up for a problem down the road. Facebook has maintained that they will always support FBML and the REST API, but, new features won’t be accessible to the older API.

With that in mind, I looked at Python SDK, the officially recommended library for Python and Facebook. While Pylons is supported fairly well, going through the documentation on Facebook’s site resulted in looking through the PHP-SDK, the supplied oauth access in the Python-SDK and a bit of trial and error along the way. OAuth with the Graph API is a bit more complex to understand, but, if your application is using AJAX or JSON, avoiding the FBML proxy is much quicker. Flash was used quite a bit with FBML applications so that applications could communicate directly with a game server which made things much quicker. HTML apps using FBML often exhibited pageload performance problems. With the IFrame method, your application still runs within Facebook’s canvas, but, the surfer is communicating directly with your application.

What happened?

First, I tried to replicate what I had done in PHP using PyFacebook and Pylons. While there are hooks for WSGI (which includes Paster/Pylons implemented servers), there were a number of issues. I briefly tried Django with PyFacebook and met different issues. Once you stray from PHP, you’re in uncharted territory. A statistic I read somewhere claimed that only a few hundred apps were developed in something other than PHP with Java/JSP being the most common alternate. Django, the Google App Engine and appear to be the favorites among Python frameworks. While I know there are a handful of applications running Pylons, and at least one running TurboGears, I don’t believe there are many using the Graph API.

At this point, the Graph API and OAuth seemed to be the sane choice. An IFrame canvas, using the Javascript SDK to complement Python SDK appeared to be the answer.

The first stumbling block when following the OAuth guide on Facebook is the frame in a frame shaded authentication box. Clicking on the grey box opens the inner frame to the full page where you can authorize the application, but, that is a rather ugly situation. The following Javascript fixes that which isn’t great solution, but does work.

<script language="javascript">

Error validating verification code

After working with a few other issues, another issue with the auth_token resulted in the following error (after loading the url that was being fetched):

   "error": {
      "type": "OAuthException",
      "message": "Error validating verification code."

Adding &type=client_cred to your access_token url fixes that situation.

Here’s the guide

We’re going to put our project in the facebook directory and use Pylons 1.0:

git clone
python facebook
cd facebook
source bin/activate
paster create -t pylons fbapp
cd fbapp
vi development.ini
rm fbapp/public/index.html
cp ../python-sdk/src/ fbapp/fbapp/lib

We need to make a few changes to our development.ini in the [app:main] section:

facebook.callbackurl =
facebook.apikey = 6b5aca8bd71c1234590e697f79xxxxxx
facebook.secret = df5d928b87c0df312c8be101e5xxxxxx
facebook.appid = 124322020xxxxxx

modify config/

    map.connect('/{action}', controller='root')
    map.connect('/', controller='root', action='index')


<script language="javascript">
<a href="${config['facebook.appid']}&redirect_uri=${config['facebook.callbackurl']}&display=page&scope=publish_stream" target="_top">Click here to authorize this application</a>




# using python 2.5
import simplejson
import cgi
import urllib

from pylons import request, response, session, tmpl_context, config
from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect

from fbapp.lib.base import BaseController, render
import fbapp.lib.facebook as facebook

class RootController(BaseController):

    def __before__(self):
        tmpl_context.user = None
        if request.params.has_key('session'):
            access_token = simplejson.loads(request.params['session'])['access_token']
            graph = facebook.GraphAPI(access_token)
            tmpl_context.user = graph.get_object("me")

    def index(self):
        if not tmpl_context.user:
            return render('/oauth_redirect.mako')
        return render('/index.mako')

In Facebook, you want to make the following changes:

Canvas Callback URL:
Connect URL:
Canvas URL:
FBML/Iframe: iframe
Application Type: website

Under the Migrations Tab, Verify that New Data Permissions and New SDKs are both set to enabled. When you write your application, you can refer to the extended permissions which are set in the &scope= section of oauth_redirect.mako.

What’s next?

Once you’ve retrieved the access_token and the user_id, you probably want to save that into your local database so that you don’t need to fetch the data from the Graph API on every pageload. While the Graph method is indeed faster than FBML, Facebook has lifted some of the restrictions regarding the data you can keep which allows for faster pageloads. With the IFrame method, pages using AJAX/JSON are indeed much quicker.

While I originally estimated this project to take ‘a few hours’, working through all of the possible scenarios with the Python Facebook SDK ended up taking quite a bit more time than expected. The Graph API is very well thought out and is much faster than the REST API and appears to be almost as fast as FQL.

Good Luck!

Facebook Pro – Facebook’s Revenue Stream

Friday, December 11th, 2009

I’ve always been an early adopter of technology, social media and new websites that had a technological edge. I read quite a few of the tech news websites and love to get in on early beta and beta offerings from companies. One of my recent favorite betas that I was invited to was On the surface, it seemed to lack a certain finesse, but, the biggest feature it had was that it was extremely quick, lacked the application spam and let me see 99% of what I was interested in.

I’ve loved Google Voice and was a fairly early adopter. I had tried Grand Central, but, it didn’t replace enough functionality with what I had currently set up with the local phone company. Google Wave and their Sandbox is another product that I find very intriguing. I have worked with Wave Federations and I think once someone develops a killer app for Wave, it’ll gain wide acceptance.

But, this isn’t about Google, this is about Facebook.

I was an early adopter of FB Connect. I’ve written a number of applications that I’ve not released to experiment with their API and have been generally impressed by their openness. Some of the information an application is able to access is a privacy nightmare. People complain day in and day out about Google and Privacy – perhaps because Google has to collect all of its market intelligence based on your surfing habits, and then Facebook finds a way to have you spend hours customizing your profile – giving Facebook precisely the information that makes their advertising system 10x more intrusive than Google could ever be. Back to the point.

In August I received an email from Facebook asking if I would participate in another beta project. I was warned that this one would entail a purchase from their store, but, in exchange, I would receive credit towards advertising. It makes perfect sense to test the payment system ahead of time on a major release – something many new electronic stores fail to do. I clicked the link saying I would be a part of their beta and waited.

And waited.

Last night, a very cryptic email arrived with a link to follow to read about this exciting new product Facebook had to offer. As I read the page, I was already pulling out my wallet to get my credit card because the service seemed perfect for me. Having to maintain a LinkedIn profile and a Facebook Profile has always been an exercise in duplication. Facebook doesn’t ask enough questions to really be useful in business and I suspect if they put their heads together, they could develop a new angle.

It appears they listened.

The page was very basic, it talked about the benefits of a ‘Facebook Pro’ account, pricing hadn’t been established but they had set a test price of $29.95 for a 6 month recurring membership.

Some of the benefits listed included:

* Ability to store Work History
* Ability to write Recommendations on profiles
* Tighter control over Profile Security
* Additional Contact Method fields
* Certification badges
* Digital Business cards

facebook pro beta

Once you get in, there is a small NDA that prevents screenshots of the interface, but, it is obvious that there are hundreds of people in the beta. Even as I have set up some business interests, it is listing profiles in a ‘Business Network’ that are staggeringly accurate. A refreshing change from the People You May Know lottery.

So far, the new options are quite intriguing and if the quality of the business contacts I’ve made in the beta are indicative of the trend, I think Facebook has a real winner here.

I found it interesting that the beta was released which allows tighter control over privacy the day after they release new privacy options that the masses are hailing as anti-privacy. Perhaps this is why Facebook chose this week to release the beta.

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