TurboGears, Tableform and a callable option to a Widget

June 10th, 2009

While doing some TurboGears development I ran into an issue where I needed to generate a select field’s options from the database that was dependent on authentication. Since defining the query in the model results in a cached result when the class is instantiated, the query couldn’t be defined there. There are multiple mentions of using a callable to deal with this situation, but, no code example.

From this posting in Google Groups for TurboGears, we were able to figure out the code that made this work.


<div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"




    def form(self):
        c.form = TestForm()
        c.availips = [[3,3],[2,2]]
        return dict(template='form',title='Test Form',value=None)


from pylons import c

def get_ips():
    return c.availips

class TestForm(TableForm):
    action = '/test/testadd'
    submit_text = 'Add test'

    class fields(WidgetsList):
        User = TextField(label_text='FTP Username', size=40, validator=NotEmpty())
        Password = PasswordField(label_text='FTP Password', size=40, validator=NotEmpty())
        ip = SingleSelectField(label_text="Assign to IP",options=get_ips)

Combined Web Site Logging splitter for AWStats

May 29th, 2009

AWStats has an interesting problem when working with combined logging. When you have 500 domains and combined logfiles at roughly 2 gigabytes a day, awstats spends a lot of time shuffling through all of the log files to return the results. The simple solution appeared to be a small python script that read the awstats config directory and split the logfile into pieces so that awstats could run on individual logfiles. It requires one loop through the combined logfile to create all of the logfiles, rather than looping through the 2 gigabyte logfile for each domain when awstats was set up with combined logging.


import os,re
from string import split

dirs = os.listdir('/etc/awstats')

domainlist = {}

for dir in dirs:
  if (re.search('\.conf$',dir)):
    dom = re.sub('^awstats\.', '', dir)
    dom = re.sub('\.conf$', '', dom)
    domainlist[dom] = 1
loglist = open('/var/log/apache2/combined-access.log.1','r')
for line in loglist:
  (domain,logline) = line.split(None, 1)
  if (domain in domainlist):
    if (domainlist[domain] == 1):
      domainlist[domain] = open('/var/log/apache2/' + domain + '-access.log.1', 'w')

While the code isn’t particularly earthshattering, it cut down log processing to roughly 20 minutes per day rather than the previous 16-30 hours per day.

Varnish proves itself against a DDOS

May 2nd, 2009

I’ve worked a lot with Varnish over the last few weeks and we’ve had a rather persistent hacker that has been sending a small but annoying DDOS to a client on one of our machines. Usually we isolate the client and move their affected sites to a machine that won’t affect other clients. Then we can modify firewall rules, find the issue, wait for the attack to end and move them back. Usually this results in a bit of turmoil because not every client is easy to shuffle around. Some have multiple databases and perhaps the application they are running takes a bit more horsepower to run due to the attack.

In this case, the application wasn’t too badly written and it was just a matter of firewalling certain types of packets and modifying the TCP settings to allow things to time out a bit more quickly while the attack persisted. In order to do this seamlessly we had to move the physical IP that client was using to another machine running varnish.

What we ended up with was running Varnish on a machine where we had the ability to freely firewall packets, could turn on more verbose packet logging and, pulled the requests from the original machine. Short of moving the IP address and making config changes on the existing machine, it was straightforward:

Original Machine
* changed apache config to listen to a different IP address on port 81
* modified the firewall to allow port 81
* adjusted the apache config to listen to port 81 on that IP address
* shut down the virtual ethernet interface
* restarted apache

Varnish Machine
* set up the backend to request files from port 81 on the new IP assigned from the old machine
* copied the firewall rules from the Original Machine to the Varnish Machine
* brought up the IP from the original machine
* restarted varnish

Cleared the Arp-cache in the switches that both machines were connected to.

Within seconds, the load on the Original machine dropped to half of what it was before. Varnish had been running on that machine, but, the DDOS was still hitting the firewall rules and causing apache to open connections. Moving both of those pieces of the equation off the machine resulted in an immediate improvement on the Original Machine. Since the same cpu horsepower is being used with the script – Varnish passes those requests through, and we’ve only removed some of the static files from being served from the machine, I believe we can safely conclude that it wasn’t the application that had the problems. Apache has roughly the same number of processes as it had when we were running varnish on that machine, so, the load reduction appears to be mostly related to the firewall rules or the traffic that was still coming through.

Since moving the traffic over to the other machine, we see the same issues being exhibited there. Since that machine isn’t doing anything but caching the apache responses, we can reasonably assume that the firewall is adding quite a bit of overhead to things. The inbound traffic on the Original Machine was cut almost in half with a corresponding jump on the Varnish machine. Since Varnish is dealing with inbound traffic from the original machine and from the DDOS attack, it is difficult to say with certainty that the inbound traffic on that machine is reflecting it, however, based on the 90% cache hit rate and the size of the cached pages, I don’t believe the inbound traffic on that machine should be what it is, so, it is evident that the DDOS traffic moved.

After moving one set of sites, and analyzing the Original Machine, it does appear that a second set of his sites is also impacted.

RSA with Perl, PHP and Python

April 28th, 2009

Ages ago we had a system that used MySQL’s built in DES3 encryption. It made coding applications in multiple languages easy because we could send it a string with a key and it would be encoded in the database. It wasn’t secure if someone got hold of the code and the database, but, rather than use a hash, we could store things and get the plaintext back if we needed it. Due to some policy issues with Debian, DES3 encryption was removed from MySQL and we were faced with converting that data to another format. We chose RSA for the fact that it was supported in every language we were currently developing in — Perl, PHP and C, and we knew it was supported in Python even though we hadn’t started development with Python at the time.

However, due to issues with PHP and long key lengths (at the time the code was written), our payloads had to be broken into packets smaller than the smallest key length which was 256 bytes. Since we didn’t know if we would run into similar issues using a longer packet length even if we had a longer key, we opted to use a packet size smaller than the smallest key we could generate. Our code initially converted data using PHP, stored the data in MySQL, and allowed a Perl script to access the data. Getting Perl and PHP to cooperate was somewhat difficult until we dug into PHP’s source code to see just how they were handling RSA.

PHP code:


function cp_encrypt($hostname,$message) {
  $public_key=file_get_contents(KEY_LOCATION . $hostname . '.public.key');

  $blockct = intval(strlen($message) / 245)  + 1;
  $encpayload = "";
  for ($loop=0;$loop<$blockct;$loop++) {
    $blocktext = substr($message,$loop * 245, 245);
    $encpayload .= $encblocktext;

function cp_decrypt($hostname,$message) {
  $priv_key=file_get_contents(KEY_LOCATION . $hostname . '.private.key');
  openssl_get_privatekey ($priv_key);
  $arr = unpack('Nblockct/a*',$message);
  $blockct = $arr['blockct'];$encpayload=$arr[1];
  $decmessage = "";
  for ($loop=0;$loop<$blockct;$loop++) {
    $blocktext = substr($encpayload, $loop*256, 256);
    $finaltext .= $decblocktext;


Perl Code:

use Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA;
use constant ENCPAYLOAD_FORMAT => 'Na*';

sub cp_encrypt {
  my $hostname = shift;
  my $message = shift;

  my $keyfile = $KEY_LOCATION . $hostname . '.public.key';
  if (-e $keyfile) {
    open PUBLIC, $keyfile;
    my $public_key = do{local $/; };
    my $rsa = Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA->new_public_key($public_key);

    my $blockct = int(length($message) / 245)  + 1;
    my $encpayload = "";
      for ($loop=0;$loop<$blockct;$loop++) {
        $encpayload .= $rsa->encrypt(substr($message,$loop * 245, 245));

sub cp_decrypt {
  my $hostname = shift;
  my $message = shift;

  my $keyfile = $KEY_LOCATION . $hostname . '.private.key';
  if (-e $keyfile) {
    open PRIVATE, $keyfile;
    my $private_key = do{local $/; };
    my $rsa = Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA->new_private_key($private_key);
    my ($blockct,$encpayload) = unpack(ENCPAYLOAD_FORMAT,$message);
    my $decmessage = "";
    for ($loop=0;$loop<$blockct;$loop++) {
      $decmessage .= $rsa->decrypt(substr($encpayload, $loop*256, 256));


Python code:

import M2Crypto.RSA
from os import path
from struct import unpack, pack, calcsize


def perl_unpack (perlpack, payload):
    if (perlpack == 'Na*'):
        count = calcsize('!L')
        perlpack = '!L%ds' % (len(payload) - count)
        return unpack(perlpack,payload)

def perl_pack (perlpack, blockcount, payload):
    if (perlpack == 'Na*'):
        perlpack = '!L%ds' % len(payload)
        return pack(perlpack,blockcount,payload)

def cp_encrypt (hostname,message):
  keyfile = KEY_LOCATION + hostname + '.public.key'
  if (path.exists(keyfile)):
    public_key = M2Crypto.RSA.load_pub_key(keyfile)

    blockct = int(len(message) / 245)  + 1
    encpayload = ""
    for loop in range(0,blockct):
      encpayload += public_key.public_encrypt(message[(loop*245):(245*(loop+1))],
    return(perl_pack(ENCPAYLOAD_FORMAT, blockct, encpayload))

def cp_decrypt (hostname, message):
  keyfile = KEY_LOCATION + hostname + '.private.key';
  if (path.exists(keyfile)):
    privatekey = M2Crypto.RSA.load_key(keyfile)
    (blockct,encpayload) = perl_unpack(ENCPAYLOAD_FORMAT,message)

    decmessage = ""
    for loop in range(0,blockct):
      decmessage += privatekey.private_decrypt(encpayload[(loop*256):(256*(loop+1))], M2Crypto.RSA.pkcs1_padding)

There is nothing really that restricts you from encrypting a message longer than the key size, but, if the message contains enough data, portions of the key can be discovered. Since the key is a very large prime number, exposing a portion of that key can be vital to decrypting the data.

Varnish saves the day…. maybe

April 28th, 2009

We had a client that had a machine where apache was being overrun… or so we thought.  Everything pointed at this one set of domains owned by a client and in particular two sites with 100+ elements on the page.  Images, css, javascript and iframes composed their main page.  Apache was handling things reasonably well, but, it was immediately obvious that it could be better.

The conversion to Varnish was quite simple to do even on a live server.  Slight modifications to the Apache config file to listen to port 81 on the set of domains in question, and a quick restart.  Varnish was configured to listen to port 80 on that particular IP and some minor modifications were made to the startup.vcl file to modify things slightly:

sub vcl_fetch {
  if (req.url ~ “\.(png|gif|jpg|swf|css|js)$”) {
    set obj.ttl = 3600s;

A one hour cache should be granular enough to do a bit more good on these sites, overriding the default of two minutes.  After an hour, it was evident that the sites did peform much more quickly, but, we still had a load issue.  Some modifications of the apache config alleviated some of the other load problems after we dug further into things.

After 5 hours, we ended up with the following statistics from varnish:

0+05:18:24                                                               xxxxxx
Hitrate ratio:       10      100     1000
Hitrate avg:     0.9368   0.9231   0.9156

62576         1.00         3.28 Client connections accepted
466684        57.88        24.43 Client requests received
411765        48.90        21.55 Cache hits
148         0.00         0.01 Cache hits for pass
32018         7.98         1.68 Cache misses
54761         8.98         2.87 Backend connections success
0         0.00         0.00 Backend connections failures
45411         7.98         2.38 Backend connections reuses
48598         7.98         2.54 Backend connections recycles

Varnish is doing a great job.  The site does load considerably faster, but, it didn’t solve the entire problem.  It did reduce the number of apache processes on that machine from 450 to 170 or so, freed up some ram for cache, and did make the server more responsive, but, it probably only contributed to 50% of the issue.  The rest of it was cleaning up some poorly written php code, modifying a few mysql tables and adding some indexes to make things work more quickly.

After we fixed the code problems, we debated removing Varnish from their configuration.  Varnish did buy us time to fix the problem and does result in a better experience for surfers on the sites, but, after the backend changes, it is hard to tell whether it makes enough impact to keep a non-standard configuration running.  Since it is not caching the main page of the site and is only serving the static elements (the site sets an expire time on each generated page), the only real benefit is that we are removing the need for apache to serve the static elements.

While testing another application, we were able to override hardcoded expire times and forcing a minimally cached page.  Even if we cached a generated page for two minutes, it could be the difference between a responsive server and a machine struggling to keep up.  Since WordPress, Joomla, Drupal and others set expire times using dates that have passed, they ensure that the site html being output is not cached.  Varnish allows us to ignore that, and to set our own cache time which could save a site hit with a lot of traffic.

sub vcl_fetch {
  if (obj.ttl < 120s) {
    set obj.ttl = 120s;

would give us a minimum two minute cache which would cut the requests to a dynamically generated page considerably.

It is a juggling act.  Where do you make the tradeoff and what do you accelerate? Too many times the solution to a website’s performance problem is to throw more hardware at it.  At some point you have to split the load on multiple servers, adding new bottlenecks.  An application designed to run on a single machine becomes difficult to split to two or more machines, so, many times we do what we can to keep things running on a single machine.

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